Gender Equality

Section I – Introduction

Cherrydata is committed to gender equality. We believe that welcoming all constituencies of the gender-expanding people can help us create a balanced workforce that can make Cherrydata a more interesting, open, unprejudiced, and creative place to work. We are committed to granting our employees equal access to all areas and positions in research, production, and management. We are actively working to create an organizational culture that rejects all forms of discrimination and does not accept stereotypes.

We are aware that more women should be hired and involved in decision-making bodies. This requires an awareness of the structural barriers to women careers and their constant identification and elimination. Hiring more women is a first step, but we know that gender equality does not end with hiring. We must ensure fairness throughout the employee lifecycle to obtain concrete, measurable impacts.

Section II – Policies and impact

Our policies are designed to be actionable. They represent simple, practical rules that can help us make a tangible difference in ensuring gender equality. They are distilled with a complete policy cycle that covers all critical steps needed to create a continuous improvement process: (a) Analysis, (b) Problem formulation, (c) Policy Design, (d) Implementation, (e) Ongoing monitoring and evaluation

Policy #1

We ensure pay equity for all women employees.

Policy #2

We address issues of inappropriate conduct in the workplace with targeted care programs. We have appointed a woman to help people report concerns and are committed to keeping track of all issues, design recovery actions, and update policies, accordingly.

Policy #3

We've created targeted career development and promotion programs for women at every hiring level.

Policy #4

To favor a work-life balance, we allow our employees to adopt remote-work practices when needed. This reduces commuting time and helps employees manage personal and family commitments. We keep our team motivated with clear plans and individual goals. We are successfully applying a blended mix of coordination mechanisms that reduces the social disadvantages of remote work.

Policy #5

We are committed to raising awareness on gender equality and encourage all employees to voice and support gender equality issues. Cherrydata is active on social media and is engaged in the social debate on gender equality.

Policy #6

We are committed to participatory decisions and encourage our employees to have a proactive behavior and suggest new organizational practices that can be beneficial to gender equality.

Policy #7

We know that gender equality is a journey and requires continuous improvement and adaptation to change. We review our gender equality policy every year to promote new initiatives, behaviors, rules, and practices.

Section III – Stakeholders, Responsibilities, Decision processes, and Communication

Cherrydata has a female co-founder who is also a member of Cherrydata’s board of directors. We hope that this is a clear and visible start of our commitment to gender equality. To constantly monitor our progress and ensure sustainability, we have established an internal group called GEQ, involving all stakeholders, including top responsibilities in the company. This group meets on a quarterly basis, with the goal of reviewing reported gender equality issues, requests, and ideas. The group makes decisions on new initiatives and proposes new policies that are then communicated to all employees, soliciting their feedback. Once a year, GEQ work produces an updated and improved gender equality policy.


Copyright © Cherrydata 2023 Cherrydata Srl, P. I. e C.F. 10418210968, capitale sociale € 10.000,00. Sede legale: Via Abano 9, 20131 - Milano

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